Maths for early years
Array Matching Cards
A simple activity to support children’s understanding of early multiplication with the use of pictorial representations- arrays. Match the array card to the repeated addition sentence and the multiplication sentence.
Name the 2D Shape
A simple worksheet to support understanding of 2D shapes. Using the word bank the child needs to write the name of the shape underneath the correct shape.
Sequences of shapes
A worksheet to help with understanding of using language of shape as well as creating sequences. To meet the objective: To complete sequences of shapes.
Days of the week
Sequencing days of the week- what day comes before and what day comes after?
The children can also write what they like to do on each day of the week.
0-20 Picture Matching Activity
Matching activity using the numbers 0-20.
Match te number card to the correct number of dots.
If printing multiple sets, I would recommend using a different colour paper for each set.
Ten Frames
Ten frames 1-10
Also includes numeral and word cards so that these can be matched to the correct ten frame.
I can read and write numbers to 20
In the year 1 curriculum, by the end of the year, the children need to be able to read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words. This resource allows children to practice tracing the numbers in words and numerals and then by themselves. It also supports their development of counting skills. The activity booklet could be used as morning work, or perhaps for early finishers.
Playdough Mats numbers 6-10
children can practice their number recognition and counting skills with playdough. Roll out the playdough to make the letters and the digit. Use the ten frames to practice counting.
Playdough Mats numbers 1-5
children can practice their number recognition and counting skills with playdough. Roll out the playdough to make the letters and the digit. Use the ten frames to practice counting.
Year 1 Maths Objectives
Objectives for Year 1 Maths. Taken from the National Curriculum for Year 1 Maths.
Dice Addition
Add the dots on the dice.
Also includes a blank dice sheet so that the children can roll a dice or set or die and draw in the dots in themselves.
Number Activity sheets 11-20
Number formation
Number recognition
Numbers 11-20
I can order numbers 1-5
Cut and stick the numbers 1-5 in the correct order
Number word mats 11-20
Trace the word and the digit for the numbers 11-20
Laminate for multiple uses
Months of the year mats
Trace the letters to spell out the months of the year
Make a pattern: Using shapes
Make a pattern using any of the different shapes.
Number Activity sheets 1-10
Number formation
Number recognition
Numbers 1-10
I can order numbers 1-10
Cut and stick the numbers 1-10 in the correct order.
Number boards 1-10
10 colourful and visual boards to show different reprenentations of the numbers 1-10. A visual tool for an early mathematics display or can be used for children individually to support their understanding of number.
I can count on in ones
Match the digit to the number of apples in the tree